Sunday, May 2, 2010


I'm addicted to "The Real Housewives of New Jersey"!!! There was nothing on a couple of nights ago as I was making supper and feeding M so I flipped it to Bravo (I think). I almost instantly got sucked into the show. EEK!! So much so that after I'm done typing, I have to go set my TiVo for tomorrow's season premiere! ~blush~

So tell me...what is your guilty pleasure?

On a side note, M is 11 months old on Thursday. Seriously. Seriously? Seriously! Where did the time go and why is my belly still flabby? At what point is it not "baby weight" anymore??

1 comment:

Molly said...

I'm addicted to "16 and pregnant" on MTV...I'm afraid if I start watching any of those Bravo shows I'll be addicted as well!

I say just pop another in the oven and then you won't have to worry about when it's not baby flab anymore! ;)