Tuesday, December 7, 2010

6 yrs, 18 months & 13 weeks.

Dec 4th... Lance & I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary. I can't even imagine where the time has gone:)

Dec 6th.... Makenna turned 1.5 yrs old or 18 months. AGAIN....where has the time gone?!

This week I'm 13 weeks and almost out of the 1st trimester! YAY! Hence the blogging again. I've been SO tired. As soon as Makenna is in bed (between 8-8:30pm), I'm heading to bed right after. Its been nearly impossible to get anything accomplished. I actually feel better this week. Not as tired... I'm sure I'll still be in bed before 10pm but at least its not before 9pm!! Progress:)

1 comment:

Jen said...

Hooray for reaching 2nd tri! And you are surely joking that Makenna is 18 months. Seriously.