Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Everyone's healthy!

Yay!!!! Makenna is healthy and wild. I'm feeling better. Lance is on the mend although he's got a problem with snoring's driving me nuts!! We're all on the up and up:) I never in a MILLION years thought I would be so glad to see Miss M have a solid poo! What a truly glamorous life I lead:/

Today was an absolutely gorgeous day! I sat on the back patio for a few minutes to enjoy the peace and warmth. M was at Jaye's (daycare) so I could get some house things done while I'm on spring break. Lance was home so we actually moved his office from the old playroom with no doors on it to one of the spare bedrooms with a door and a lock. Lance has lots of chemicals in his office so we want to be able to lock little persons out of there. We're going to change his old office back into a playroom for M. I can't wait to start painting and decorating it! I'm going to do a chalkboard wall so she (& I) can draw and write. I'm thinking very Pottery Barn-esque.

I received my new showmanship outfit today. Love it!! I'll post pics after my first show in a couple of weeks. I'm off to ride tomorrow and run errands and I probably should do some school work since spring break is ending soon. My new quarter starts on Monday.

I made a FABULOUS homemade carrot cake w/ homemade cheesecream frosting courtesy of the Pioneer Woman. Yummy!!! She knows good food! PW also has an appreciation for a nice Wrangler butt which I can totally get behind;) ha ha ha ~Behind!!!~ So I need some sleep! I may need some caffiene too since I haven't been able to enjoy a diet dew for 5 days!!
5 DAYS PEOPLE!!!! I don't know what my problem is?? This has NEVER happened under regular circumstances. There have been only 2 times that I couldn't drink diet dew......

Oh God......


I KNOW it's not possible.

Please let the diet dew fairy bless me with a yummy dew tomorrow. Please.

1 comment:

Jen said...

You know, Mackenna is about the same age as Jillian when I POAS on a whim and saw two lines. Just sayin'