Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I'll show you mine....

if you show me yours...

scraproom that is!

I'm trying to find the disk that my mom gave me of the pics she took at the hospital when Jax was born. I can't imagine why I can't seem to find it??

 Looking in the doorway. ~cringe~
 There's suppose to be a desk under there. Some where...
 Crap everywhere!
 The closet... more crap everywhere!
Again with the crap....

I seriously need to spend some time cleaning this pig sty up! With Jax's baptism coming up, it probably won't happen before that but hopefully soon! Thank God the rest of the house does NOT look like this! lol :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


What an amazing time we had at Scrapfest! I did some SERIOUS shopping. Just scrap shopping except for the Ikea run and sneaking into Sephora with Marie.

I went to Scrapfest with my normal usual scrapping buddies. We all have such a great time. There is Anne, who is our moral spending nazi! She is very frugal and does not like to spend money. She tries to keep Marie and I in check and we try to corrupt her;) Anne has had a successful shopping trip if she hasn't spent anything. Stacy and Sarah are usually right in the middle of spending/shopping...they almost always buy but hardly ever a ton of stuff. Then there's Marie and GOD for Marie or I would always be the one who brings the most stuff, spends the most, ect. Marie and I like to spread all our loot out and take pics of it. Marie's pile was huge... although some of her stuff was from her classes and since it was her birthday, she also scored a bunch of free stuff. 
Here's Marie's loot (I swiped the pic from FB). Look at all that great stuff!!! Now, this comes with a disclaimer that literally had my LMAO!!!

 Disclaimer** Stop crapping yourself Steve Ackerman, I paid full price for VERY little of this stuff (like extremely little - it was amazing!) and a nice portion was actually free stuff/prizes/class extras.

Ha Ha Ha! Apparently Steve (who is Anne like) was not so impressed with Marie's loot. Now the good friend that I am, I too took a picture of my loot. (please excuse the horrible photos as it was 9pm)
 Momma, where did all this stuff come from?? Did you buy me some bling?
Now you obviously can't even tell what I bought because the picture is so crappy but there is A LOT of it there! This made Steve feel so much better that he isn't married to ME!! LOL  Lance just shook his head:) In my defense, its been a LONG time since I've done this kinda damage. It was bound to happen cuz I'm finally not pregnant/anti-shopping. I also took 5 classes at Scrapfest and won prizes in 2 of them so that is about 1/4 of the stuff. Maybe even 1/3. When I was packing my stuff up to big downstairs to the command center, I found my bag from Crafts Direct Clearance center...oops! There's even more than what is pictured! Ha:) So add 3 more QK dies and about 10 more pieces of pp.

It was a great weekend! Now, I have a week filled with trying to get the house and everything else ready for Jax's baptism this weekend. Oh and the scrap garage sale on Saturday. I rented a table again so I need to get all my stuff priced and ready to go. Hope I sell a lot so I can buy some new lines at Scrap Pink the 2nd weekend in Oct.
~Really who am I kidding though?? I'm buying those lines whether I sell anything or not;) lol~

Happy Tuesday!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I've scrapped!

Well wonders never cease!! I was able to bust out a couple of LO's + some cards + have the hub on the road and both kids at home with me:) Woot Woot!!! Here's what I did:

Could Doodlebug be anymore perfect for me? Purple + glitter galore = Kelly!!!

This is the sign I made for the door to my scraproom aka The Command Center as my family lovingly refers to it:) Again Doodlebug is perfect for me!

While browsing at my LSS, I was looking at the BG Oxford line. I really like plaids and since I now have a boy, I thought this would be a great line to pick up. Then I saw the sticker page with the microscope on it!!! LOVE! I made this card for Dennis for his birthday. We bought our microscope servicing business from Dennis and his wife, Joanne, so the microscope is perfect! I need to pick up another sticker sheet so I can use that same microscope sticker for a LO with Lance on it:)

The 2 LO's I did are for Scrap That Baby's design team so I can't show those yet but I will soon:)

The girls and I are heading to Scrapfest in 10 DAYS!!! I can't wait!! It's my first time attending Scrapfest. I'm taking several classes too. I got into all my favs except for the Doodlebug mini album class:( Oh well! Next year! There will be loads of pictures + shopping pics from that little trip!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Mr Cute!

Jax is seriously a fun baby! He is such a smiler + he's a hard core Momma's Boy!! Oh I love that:) He lights up for me like no one else. He'll smile, give me the eyebrow raise and "talk". It totally melts this Momma's heart! He just had his 2 month appt. He is 14 lbs (73%) and 22.5 in long (20%) so he's going to be short and wide! The first thing the pediatrician said when she walked in was "So Mr. Jax has another chin I see!". LOL!! He does:) He's chubby and it's so precious!

Makenna is a wonderful big sister! He calls him Cute.

Anyone: "Makenna, what's your brother's name?"
Makenna: "Cute"
Anyone: It's not Jax?
Makenna: No. Cute.

So we all call him Cute! I'm sure this is going to go over REAL well when he's a NFL linebacker;)

 Excuse my shadow!!