Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Missed Top 10 by a 1/3 of a point!

Shoot!! Just 1/3 of a stinkin point! Oh well:) At least we were still in the top 1/3 of the class:) This is in my halter class. I placed 6th, 11th & 11th under the judges so I just barely missed it:/

So is it better to miss your goal or desires by a little (aka 1/3 of a frickin point) or by more so you don't sweat it?

Miss Thang is taking a nap and I'm getting caught up on mail, ect. I'm off to Ohio again Friday afternoon for 9 days so the blog will be a little quiet. Sorry!! I'll kick it into gear again in Nov and Dec though:)


Stacy said...

Oh, shoot Kelly. You were so close. Hope the next go around is better. Good luck to you and Faith.

Alannah said...

well done Kelly. what an effort! smiles